CALIXAR highlighted as a key player on the Global Difficult-to-Express Proteins Market in 2021

March 8, 2021

In a recent report entitled “Difficult-to-Express Proteins Market, Size, Share, Outlook and Growth Opportunities 2019-2026”, DataM Intelligence has identified CALIXAR as a key supplier of complex membrane proteins supporting drug discovery programs. DataM Intelligence is one of the new growing Market Research and Consulting firm established on an elemental idea of publishing Advanced Market Research Reports with precise data points & utmost accuracy that will accelerate the decision-making in designing disruptive solutions.

In the report, CALIXAR, thanks to its deal with Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, is held up as example of one of the major licensing agreements of 2019 supporting the increase of the demand for difficult-to-express proteins and their expansion across the globe. For instance, in April 2019, CALIXAR had provided Regeneron exclusive rights to its technology and expertise. CALIXAR’s technology platform allows to isolate the full-length and wild-type pure membrane proteins while keeping their structure and function intact. The types of membrane proteins include GPCRs, ion channels, transporters, receptors, and viral proteins.

Indeed, our expertise in preparation of high-quality complex membrane protein enables successful antibodies discovery by immunization or library screening and for structural biology studies. CALIXAR gives powerful competitive advantage on this market to all pharmaceutical and biotech companies engaged in drug discovery based on these difficult proteins. Our technological platform has already delivered an outstanding track record on broad range of native and functional membrane protein families (GPCRs, ion channels, transporters, …) and antigens to enable small molecules discovery as well as conformational antibody development.

For more information about the report: Difficult-to-Express Proteins Market, Size, Share, Outlook and Growth Opportunities 2019-2026

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Starting from native material or recombinant systems, we succeed with all types of proteins: Kinases, Phosphatases, Ubiquitins, Epigenetic Proteins, GPCRs, Ion Channels, Transporters, Receptors and Viral Proteins.