New publications on MRP4 solubilization and stabilization

August 26, 2019

Comparative studies on multidrug resistance protein solubilization and stabilization using calixarene-based detergents vs SMA

Do you want to see a unique comparative study using classical detergents, calixarene based detergents and SMA to assess the solubilization and stabilization of a membrane protein? Check out our 2 latest publications on human ABC transporter MRP4 (multidrug resistance protein 4/ABCC4) functional expression and overstabilization. We show that both SMA and calixarene based detergents have a higher solubility efficiency (at least 80%) than conventional detergents and show striking overstabilization features of MRP4 (up to 70°C) with at least 30°C stability improvement in comparison to the best conventional detergents. This was the result of a nice ongoing collaboration between CALIXAR and Aston University.

At CALIXAR, we pioneer stabilization of native membrane proteins (MP) such as Transporters, GPCRs, ion channels, avoiding unnecessary tedious & misleading engineering methodologies. Our aim is to enable drug discovery of such challenging targets.

Our versatile and efficient toolbox to study native MP is expending to enable drug discovery of challenging and highly druggable targets.

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