CALIXAR presentation at PEGS Summit: 08-12 April 2019

March 13, 2019

This talk will focus on strategies for optimizing expression levels of membrane proteins using the Expi293 and ExpiCHO expression systems combined with CALIXAR patented technology for membrane protein extraction, purification and stabilization. This innovative approach aims to improve the quality and quantity of challenging targets for Drug Discovery and academic research. A case study of KCC2 co-transporter production and characterization will be described. This target is involved in neurological diseases including pain and epilepsy.

About PEGS Boston 2019

Contact: [email protected]
DATES : April 08-12 2019

PEGS Boston 2019 will host more than 400 lectures, panels, tutorials and round-table discussions, along with 150+ exhibitors, and 300 research posters on display in the exhibit hall. The speaker lineup includes world-renowned experts, visionaries, and influencers from top pharma, biotech, academic, and government institutions.

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