Eurofins CALIXAR will join the International Research Network (IRN) on GPCRs as a sponsor for the 3rd IRN I-GPCRNET Annual Meeting at the University of Strasbourg (France) from October 25th to 27th, 2023.
Amélia CHORFA, post-doctoral at Eurofins CALIXAR, will present during this event her work carried out in collaboration with at the Ralf Jockers’s team at the Institut Cochin, INSERM U1016, CNRS UMR 8104, Université Paris Descartes in Paris.
She worked on the improvement of the production and purification of the GPCR50 target with the use of proprietary Eurofins CALIXAR reagent. She demonstrated through this innovative approach, a better purification and stabilization of GPR50, which allows a preservation of the function and the integrity of this membrane protein.
Eurofins CALIXAR as expert in the field of native and functional GPCRs expression and isolation supports and encourages research on GPCR targets. The most talented poster of this session will receive the poster prize 2023 awarded by Eurofins CALIXAR.
About i-GPCRnet:
The i-GPCRnet International Research Network (IRN) was founded in 2021 for five years by the CNRS (, the National Centre for Scientific Research of France, an interdisciplinary public research organization that is among the world's leading research institutions.
The mission of the i-GPCRnet IRN is to promote science in the field of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs).
For more information and meet us: i-GPCRnet