Eurofins DiscoverX recombinant phosphatases are valuable resources for researchers and drug developers in elucidating cellular signaling pathways, identifying potential drug targets, and evaluating the pharmacological properties of compounds. Discover our comprehensive portfolio of over 20 phosphatases. Use the identical phosphatase enzyme, whether it's expressed in Escherichia coli and carries tags like GST or His6, or remains untagged, in your research as the ones employed in the well-regarded PhosphataseProfiler drug discovery services.
Product highlights
Comprehensive Phosphatase Portfolio - Eurofins DiscoverX provides a comprehensive selection of phosphatases, including active, inactive, and mutant forms of these enzymes. This diverse portfolio allows researchers to investigate a wide range of phosphatase-related biological processes and drug targets.
Optimized Expression Systems - Enzymes are produced using optimal expression systems, whether insect, mammalian, or bacterial. This ensures that the enzymes exhibit the correct characteristics for their intended activity and inhibition.
High-Quality Assurance - Rigorous quality control procedures are implemented to guarantee the highest purity of enzymes, specific activity, and consistency from one batch to another, ensuring reliable and reproducible results.
Variety of Sizes - The product offers flexibility with multiple packaging sizes and bulk options. Whether you need enzymes for a one-time experiment or a large-scale high-throughput screening (HTS) campaign, there are sizing options to meet your specific requirements.
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your discovery programs
Starting from native material or recombinant systems, we succeed with all types of proteins: Kinases, Phosphatases, Ubiquitins, Epigenetic Proteins, GPCRs, Ion Channels, Transporters, Receptors and Viral Proteins.